BECMI D&D introduced roleplaying games to the world. Before BECMI D&D, only a few hobbyists had ever heard of roleplaying games, and no widely known books explained what roleplaying was or how to do it. B/X D&D did begin the journey, but BECMI D&D finished it with great success. By the time BECMI D&D finished its run, most people in the US and across the English speaking world had heard of Dungeons and Dragons and roleplaying games.
Below are lists of adventures, articles, and supplemental rules for B/X and BCMI found in magazines of the 1980’s. Many adventures, articles, and supplements could have been used for both D&D and AD&D. I have chosen to list articles, supplements, and adventures that claim to be specifically for D&D; or both AD&D and D&D.
Dragon Magazine
In the 1980s, B/X D&D rule books and modules were mixed with BECMI D&D rules and modules, as both were considered the same game. The original intention by TSR was to extend B/X to higher levels, but instead it was revised as BECMI. The B/X version of D&D was first published in 1981. It was later revised and republished as part of the BECMI version of D&D.
Many issues of Dragon magazine were published before the publication of B/X D&D. At the time of B/X D&D’s publication, the older D&D from the 1970s were referred to as Collector’s Edition of D&D or Original Basic D&D, and while able to provide inspiration for AD&D, B/X D&D, and BECMI D&D, the Collector’s Edition was and is considered a different edition of D&D.
The D&D specific resources from Dragon magazine that I have documented below are published in or after 1981. Dragon Vol 5, No 7 (Dragon #45) began January 1981. Many articles dating back to the first issue of Dragon can inspire and educate BECMI DMs and players. However, I will stick to mentioning only B/X and BECMI specific D&D articles.
The Chapel of Silence– a Basic D&D adventure for 6 characters of 2nd-3rd level. The adventurers shelter in an old and seemingly harmless chapel. (Dragon issue #50 – Vol V, No. 12)
The Role of the Cleric– Insight into clerics in D&D and AD&D. Multiple articles under several titles in this issue about aspects of clerics. (Dragon issue #52 – Vol VI, No. 2)
Basic D&D points of view … – Explaining the first (Original white box) edition of the Basic Set. (Dragon issue #52 – Vol VI, No. 2)
from the editors old and new – Explaining second (B/X) edition of the Basic Set. (Dragon issue #52 – Vol VI, No. 2)
The Creature of Rhyl – A Basic D&D quest involving slaying a monster and rescuing a prince. (Dragon issue #55 – Vol VI, No. 5)
Thief’s climb should be leveled out – Expert D&D skills leveling revisited. (Dragon issue #73 – Vol VII, No. 11)
A New game with a familiar name – Frank Mentzer explains why TSR created the Basic and Expert revisions (BECMI version) of D&D. (Dragon issue #77 – Vol VIII, No. 3)
And then there were three – Frank Mentzer introduces the Companion set of D&D. (Dragon issue #84 – Vol VIII, No. 10)
The Sword of Justice – A theft and murder mystery presents itself, and the players are left to solve it. An adventure for 4-6 player of levels 1-2. Basic and Expert rules are used in this adventure. (Dragon issue #92)
The influence of J. R. R. Tolkien on the D&D and AD&D games – Gary Gygax goes over the fantastic inspirations that he used when creating D&D. Many authors and sources are named. (Dragon issue #95)
Music Lover – Cover art by Robin Wood. My favorite Dragon magazine cover art ever. Just wanted to give a special shout out to Robin Wood for that spectacular painting. (Dragon issue #97)
Plan it by the numbers – A math-based encounter generator originally written for the D&D Masters box set, but left out because of its complexity. (Dragon issue #101)
Three challenges in one – Wargaming with BECMI D&D and the BattleSystem Fantasy Combat Supplement. BattleSystem was a box set produced for AD&D in 1985, later renamed to “BattleSystem Miniatures Rules” for AD&D 2e. (Dragon issue #104)
Customized classes – A new system for creating custom classes for BECMI D&D. (Dragon issue #109)
War Machine revisited – An expansion of the war machine rules for D&D Companion Set Rules. (Dragon issue #109)
Ultimate Article Index – Index for all previous issues. Contains categories such as “Dungeon Master advice”, “Campaign design”, “Encounters”, and specific BECMI D&D articles. Also, a nice listing of all “Games included in Dragon Magazine” and “Monsters” (Dragon issue #112)
Out of the Stone Age – Expansion of Neanderthals for BECMI D&D, and rules for using Neanderthals as a player character race. (Dragon issue #118)
Sage Advice – Focus on answering questions about the Masters and Immortals Sets. Too many questions answered to mention them all here. (Dragon issue #119 – Vol XI, No. 10)
Sage Advice – Answered questions about the Companion Set. (Dragon issue #120 – Vol XI, No. 11)
Sage Advice – Answered questions about the Companion Set and AD&D. (Dragon issue #122 – Vol XII, No. 1)
Sage Advice – Answered questions about the Masters and Experts Sets. (Dragon issue #123 – Vol XII, No. 2)
Sage Advice – Answered questions about the Experts Set. (Dragon issue #124 – Vol XII, No. 3)
Sage Advice – Answered questions about the Basic and Expert Sets. (Dragon issue #129 – Vol XII, No. 8)
Sage Advice – Answered questions about BECMI D&D. (Dragon issue #134 – Vol XIII, No. 1)
As becomes obvious from the list above, articles specifically for BECMI D&D pretty much ended by issue #119 with a few lingering Sage Advice department articles still focusing on BECMI D&D for a couple of years following #119. By issue # 142 in 1989, the old BECMI line had mostly been abandoned. Preview of AD&D 2e in issue #142 showed the future of D&D without so much as a nice memorial service for the old BECMI D&D line.
If anyone knows of some Dragon magazine articles focusing on BECMI that I missed, please let me know.
Dungeon Adventures
After many years of publishing Dragon magazine, TSR branched out into publishing a magazine dedicated to adventures for AD&D and D&D. They called the new magazine “Dungeon Adventures” magazine as a play on the game name of Dungeons and Dragons. The vast majority of the adventures were directed at AD&D. However, below is a list of BECMI D&D specific scenarios and modules from Dungeon Adventures.
The Elven Home – The adventurers stumble across a secluded elven home in the wilderness. A Basic D&D adventure for 1-4 characters of 1st-3rd level. (Dungeon issue #1)
The Keep at Koralgesh – This shrine and dungeon were destroyed in a blast at some time in the past. It is up to the characters to piece together what happened and when. This adventure is meant to be dropped into a larger campaign as desired by the DM. A Basic D&D adventure for 6-8 characters of 1st-3rd level. (Dungeon issue #2)
The Trouble with Mylvin Wimbly – It’s a lonely night camping in the woods on the way to somewhere else, when the guard starts shouting. An unknown halfling has absconded with one of your backpacks! He’s somewhere nearby in the dark woods. A Basic D&D adventure for 6-10 characters of 1st-3rd level. (Dungeon issue #5)
Tortles of the Purple Sage – Part 1 – The Tortles need help reaching their ancestral hatching grounds and will pay for your help. An Expert D&D adventure for 2-8 characters of 4th-10th level with at least one 6th level cleric. This adventure takes place in the Great Northway of the Known World and can take place after Module X9 has been completed. This is a long term wilderness adventure. (Dungeon issue #6)
Tortles of the Purple Sage – Part 2 – This completes the two-part Tortles adventure. An Expert D&D adventure for 2-8 characters of 4th-10th level with at least one 6th level cleric. This adventure takes place in the Great Northway of the Known World and can take place after Module X9 has been completed. This is a long term wilderness adventure. (Dungeon issue #7)
The Djinn’s Ring – An Arabian Knights style adventure. Solo adventure for pre-generated 3rd level elf. (Dungeon issue #9)
The Ghostship Gambit – The port masters have placed a bounty on the ghostship attacking the ships of Koll. This adventure can be placed in the Known World at Mule Beach or the port of Sea Camel. An Expert adventure for 4-6 characters of 3rd-6th level with at least one elf. (Dungeon issue #9)
At the Spottle Parlor – In a wooded area just north of the city of Glantri in the Known World, the PCs are invited to gamble the night away in games of spottle. A Basic adventure for 1-3 characters of 2nd-4th level with at least one fighter. (Dungeon issue #12)
Of Nests and Nations – Who kills city guards in the middle of the night, and sets fires to buildings full of merchandise? Is it the various factions of the city, or someone trying to start a conflict? The setting is the Grand Dutchy of Karameikos. An adventure for 3-5 characters of 8th-12th level. (Dungeon issue #13)
The Wererats of Relfren – In an obscure mountain pass, in the small town of Relfren, strange things are afoot. An Expert set adventure for 4-8 characters of 3rd-6th level. (Dungeon issue #14)
In Pursuit of the Slayer – A young boy flees the murderer that killed his family. An Expert adventure for 6-8 characters of 6th-9th levels with at least two strong fighters and/or dwarves. The characters will need mounts. (Dungeon issue #15)
Pride of the Sky – A red dragon attacked and sank an airship. It’s location is now a mystery. This adventure takes place in the Broken Lands of the Known World. An Expert adventure for 4-6 characters of 8th-12th levels with at least one cleric. (Dungeon issue #20)
The Bane of Elfswood – A female elf seeks the party’s help avenging her family who were turned into undead. Companion adventure for 4-5 characters of 15th-18th levels. (Dungeon issue #21)
Rank Amateurs – A group of humanoids gets the option of dying or going on a diplomatic mission. An adventure for 6-8 humanoid characters of 1st-3rd levels. Refer to GAZ10 for the humanoid rules. (Dungeon issue #22)
The Vineyard Vales – Troubling times have come to Vineyard Vales with the appearance of giant locusts. However, something more sinister is afoot. 4-6 characters of 2nd-4th levels. Compatible with GAZ7. (Dungeon issue #23)
In the Dread of Night – A terror lurks in the village of Sisak. Are orc henchmen responsible? A Basic adventure for 5-8 characters of levels 1-3. Compatible with GAZ1. (Dungeon issue #24)
Hrothgar’s Resting Place – A 25-year-old map from a dead wizards journal points toward hidden treasure. An Expert adventure set in the Duchy of Karameikos of the Known World for 4-6 players of levels 4-7. (Dungeon issue #25)
Caravan Guards – A rich merchant hires the PCs to travel with him and his wagons. The Darokin Road of the Known World is a good location for this quest. An Expert set adventure for 6-8 character of level 6-8. At least one magic user or elf is recommended. (Dungeon issue #26)
Tarfil’s Tomb – “He died a good man. He’d like to stay that way.” An Expert set adventure for 5-7 characters of 10-14 levels. Set in the Grand Duchy of Karameikos. (Dungeon issue #27)
Manden’s Meathooks – A band of brigands with an over-powered magic item ambush the PCs. A Basic/Expert/Companion sets mini-scenario for 3-6 characters of levels 4-6. (Dungeon issue #28)
Night of Fear – A cross between a murder mystery and a horror adventure. A one-on-one adventure for one player and a DM. The PC can be 1st level of any class. (Dungeon issue #28)
About the time that Dragon magazine stopped printing BECMI D&D articles, Dungeon Adventures started clearing its backlog of BECMI D&D adventures at the rate of one or two per issue. By issue #28, Dungeon Adventures finished printing its last BECMI adventures, and without any acknowledgement of the BECMI D&D product line’s great success at bringing roleplaying to the masses, dropped all future support of BECMI D&D.
In the summer of 1981, the Role Playing Game Association (RPGA) began publishing its members newsletter. It covered all of the TSR products, and related articles and stories. The few surviving copies wonderfully document that early era of roleplaying in the words of those that broke ground on the entire RPG industry.
Below are the articles that pertain to BECMI D&D from that time.
Dispel Confusion – Answers to various questions including a B2 module answer about amulets. (Polyhedron Volume 1, No. 2)
How to Create Monsters for D&D Basic and Expert Games – This article is directed at B/X DMs, but applies to the later BECMI DMs. BECMI came out in 1983, so articles about Basic and Expert were generally directed at B/X which is mostly the same as the later published BECMI rules. (Polyhedron Volume 1, No. 2)
Basically Speaking – A brief introduction to the Basic Dungeons & Dragons box set (1982). (Polyhedron Volume 2, No. 1; Issue #4)
Mapping from Square One – Part 1 of 3 on mapping basics for DMs and players. (Polyhedron Issue #10)
Basically Speaking – BECMI–technically only BEC at this date–D&D game system questions answered. (Polyhedron Issue #10)
Under Construction – BECMI D&D / AD&D room that could be inserted into an ongoing campaign. This one deals with elemental powers and an abandoned garden of sorts. (Polyhedron Issue #10)
Dispel Confusion – Answer questions about levels, Magic Missile, Remove Fear, and Cure Disease. (Polyhedron Volume 3, Number 2; Issue #11)
Mapping from Square One – Part 2 of 3 on mapping basics for DMs and players. (Polyhedron Volume 3, Number 2; Issue #11)
Dispel Confusion – Answer questions about lances, dragon turtles, opening doors, paired combat, dividing treasure, detect magic, detect evil, two-handed weapons, and overriding die rolls. (Polyhedron Volume 3, Number 3; Issue #12)
Basically Speaking – Article about handling war in Basic D&D, including miniatures, scaling down battles, dicing systems, and roleplaying. (Polyhedron Volume 3, Number 3; Issue #12)
Mapping from Square One – Part 3 of 3 on mapping basics for DMs and players. (Polyhedron Volume 3, Number 3; Issue #12)
Dungeon Master: Setting the Milieu by E. Gary Gygax- World and universe design insights for D&D and AD&D. (Polyhedron Volume 3, Number 3; Issue #12)
Dispel Confusion – Answered questions about Finger of Death, player choice, Lightning Bolt, moving PCs to AD&D from D&D, reincarnation, magic user spell books, keeping players’ interest, and eating. (Polyhedron Volume 3, Number 4; Issue #13)
Under Construction – BECMI D&D / AD&D room that could be inserted into an ongoing campaign. This room works best with the room from issue #10. This room is another dangerous garden room. (Polyhedron Volume 3, Number 4; Issue #13)
Dispel Confusion – Answered questions about second attempt at turning undead, holy symbols, searching for secret doors, water skins needs, invisibility, infra-vision, torch damage, leveling, Dispel, Magic Missiles, spell memorization, Raise dead, ability scores, Anti-Magic Shell, hirelings, and Passwall. (Polyhedron Volume 3, Number 5; Issue #14)
Encounters – A single player D&D adventure for a single player with a pre-generated PC, and a GM. This involves planar travel. (Polyhedron Volume 3, Number 6; Issue #15)
Dispel Confusion – Some D&D questions answered. (Polyhedron Volume 3, Number 6; Issue #15)
Do It Yourself: Solo Adventuring in AD&D Gaming – Gives details of how to play solo D&D, AD&D and other RPGs. (Polyhedron Volume 3, Number 6; Issue #15)
BECMI Rules, Modules, and Accessories
The B/X D&D was intended to continue beyond the Basic and Expert sets. You can see a reference to the Companion set mentioned at the end of the B/X Expert D&D rules manual. What happened instead, is that B/X was revised and BECMI completed the rules sets that B/X was originally meant to share. I never met a DM or player in the 1980’s that considered B/X and BECMI to be different games or different rulesets. It wasn’t until decades later that I heard they had differences in their rules. Those differences really are too minor to consider different games.
BECMI had a complete catalog of rules books, modules, accessories, and gazetteers. Below are all the official publications for BECMI D&D that I’m aware of. Let me know if I missed any.
Rules Cyclopedia (Mostly complete summary of the BECMI core box sets)
Basic Players Manual
Basic Dungeon Masters Rulebook
Expert Rulebook
Players Companion: Book One
Dungeon Masters Companion: Book Two
Master Players’ Book
Master DM’s Book
Players’ Guide to Immortals
DM’s Guide to Immortals
AC1 The Shady Dragon Inn
AC4 Book of Marvelous Magic
AC9 Creature Catalogue
AC11 The Book of Wondrous Inventions
Creature Catalog
Character and Monster Assortment
Dungeon Geomorphs (Set 1-3: Basic Dungeons, Caves& Caverns, Lower Dungeons)
Monster Treasure Assortment (Sets 1-3: Levels 1-9)
Outdoor Geomorphs
Wrath of the Immortals
Known World (Mystara)
Gazetteer: Dawn of the Emperors – Thyatis and Alphatia – DM’s Sourcebook (Book 1)
Gazetteer: Dawn of the Emperors – Player’s Guide to Thyatis (Book 2)
Gazetteer: Dawn of the Emperors – Player’s Guide to Alphatia (Book 3)
GAZ1 Gazetteer: The Grand Duchy of Karameikos
GAZ2 The Emirates of Ylaruam
GAZ3 The Principalities of Glantri
GAZ4 The Kingdom of Ierendi
GAZ5 The Elves of Alfheim
GAZ6 The Dwarves of Rockhome
GAZ7 The Northern Reaches
GAZ8 The Five Shires
GAZ9 The Minrothad Guilds
GAZ10 The Orcs of Thar
GAZ11 The Republic of Darokin
GAZ12 The Golden Khan of Ethengar
GAZ13 The Shadow Elves
GAZ14 The Atruaghin Clans
Champions of Mystara: Heroes of the Princess Ark
Champions of Mystara: Designer’s Manual
Champions of Mystara: Explorer’s Manual
TM1 The Western Countries Trail Map
TM2 The Eastern Countries Trail Map
PC1 Tall Tales of the Wee Folk
PC2 Top Ballista
PC3 The Sea People
PC4 Night Howlers
Poor Wizard’s Almanac and Book of Facts 1
Poor Wizard’s Almanac and Book of Facts 2
Poor Wizard’s Almanac and Book of Facts 3
Joshuan’s Almanac and Book of Facts
Hollow World (Inside Mystara)
Hollow World Players Guide
Hollow World Dungeon Master’s Sourcebook
The Hollow World (DM’s world guide)
HWA1 Nightwail
HWA2 Nightrage
HWA3 Nightstorm
HWQ1 The Milenian Scepter
HWR1 Sons of Azca
HWR2 Kingdom of Nithia
HWR3 The Milenian Empire
Solo Adventures
BSOLO Ghost of Lion Castle
M1 Blizzard Pass
M2 Maze of the Riddling Minotaur
O1 The Gem and the Staff
O2 Blade of Vengeance
XSOLO Lathan’s Gold
XS2 Thunderdelve Mountain
CM5 Mystery of the Snow Pearls
General Adventures
AC10 Bestiary of Dragons and Giants
Thunder Rift (accessory for all levels)
Basic Adventures
B1 In Search of the Unknown
B2 The Keep on the Borderlands
B3 Palace of the Silver Princess
B4 The Lost City
B5 Horror on the Hill
B6 The Veiled Society
B7 Rahasia
B8 Journey to the Rock
B9 Castle Caldwell and Beyond
B10 Night’s Dark Terror
B11 King’s Festival
B12 Queen’s Harvest
AC3 3-D Dragon Tiles and The Kidnapping of Princess Arelina
DDA1 Arena of Thyatis
DDA2 Legions of Thyatis
DDA3 Eye of Traldar
DDA4 The Dymrak Dread
Assault on Raven’s Ruin
The Dragon’s Den
In the Phantom’s Wake
Quest for the Silver Sword
Rage of the Rakasta
Sword and Shield
The Goblin’s Lair
The Haunted Tower
The Jade Hare
The Knight of Newts
Expert Adventures
X1 The Isle of Dread
X2 Castle Amber
X3 Curse of Xanathon
X4 Master of the Desert Nomads
X5 Temple of Death
X6 Quagmire!
X7 The War Rafts of Kron
X8 Drums on Fire Mountain
X9 The Savage Coast
X10 Red Arrow, Black Shield
X11 Saga of the Shadow Lord
X12 Skarda’s Mirror
X13 Crown of Ancient Glory
XL-1 Quest for the Heartstone
AC2 Combat Shield and Mini-adventure
AC3 3-D Dragon Tiles and The Revenge of Rusak
ST1 Up the Garden Path (Special module for 1986 National Garden Festival)
DA1 Adventures in Blackmoor
DA2 Temple of the Frog
DA3 City of the Gods
DA4 The Duchy of Ten
DMR1 Escape from Thunder Rift
Companion Adventures
NOTE: CM5 is listed in the Solo Adventures section
CM1 Test of the Warlords
CM2 Death’s Ride
CM3 Sabre River
CM4 Earthshaker!
CM6 Where Chaos Reigns
CM7 The Tree of Life
CM8 The Endless Stair
CM9 Legacy of Blood
Master Adventures
M1 Into the Maelstrom
M2 Vengeance of Alphaks
M3 Twilight Calling
M4 Five Coins For a Kingdom
M5 Talons of Night
AC7 Master Player Screen (contained an adventure, too)
Immortal Adventures
IM1 The Immortal Storm
IM2 The Wrath of Olympus
IM3 The Best of Intentions